Tips from Meta: How to successfully optimize campaigns

Tips from Meta: How to successfully optimize campaigns

In the ever-changing world of Meta’s paid advertisements, success often lies in the details. This is particularly true for Meta’s AI integrated algorithm, where understanding its behavior is crucial to campaign optimization. Meta’s analysis reveals that precise budgeting and duration can be decisive factors in a campaign’s success. Below, we outline Meta’s recommendations for using this insight to manage your campaign deliveries more effectively.

Why is advertising budget and duration important?

Meta platforms, Facebook and Instagram, use AI-integrated algorithms to dynamically decide when and to whom to show your ads. This means that the algorithm has a learning phase to adjust to optimal delivery based on your settings.

Campaign budget directly affects how many people see your ad. A budget that’s too small may mean the ad doesn’t reach enough potential customers. Meta allows you to set your budget in two ways:

  • Daily Budget: Meta may spend up to 25% more than this amount to reach more people.
  • Lifetime Budget: Daily spending may fluctuate, but total expenditure will not exceed your set budget. 

Additionally, you can choose whether to set the budget at the campaign level or assign individual budgets for each ad set. This can be useful if you want more control over ad delivery or if you have different audience sizes between ad sets.Campaign duration gives Meta algorithms time to learn who responds best to your ad. Campaigns should last at least 7 days to give the algorithm enough time to collect data and optimize results.

Practical examples from Meta.

Here are three examples based on Meta’s analysis of 2023 campaigns:

  • Traffic Campaign: More visitors to the website
    • Goal: Traffic
    • Location: Website
    • Optimization goal: Landing page views or link clicks
    • Minimum budget: $40.00 EUR /day
    • Duration: At least seven days
  • Awareness Campaign: Ads for a local target audience
    • Goal: Awareness
    • Optimization goal: Reach
    • Minimum budget: $7.00 EUR/day
    • Duration: At least seven days
  • Sales Campaign: More online sales
    • Goal: Sales
    • Location: Website
    • Performance goal: Maximizing conversions
    • Minimum budget: $7.00 EUR/day
    • Duration: At least seven days


Careful management of advertising budget and duration can significantly improve your advertising campaign results on Meta platforms. The most important thing is to understand that successful marketing requires ongoing attention and fine-tuning. If you’re aiming to optimize your Meta campaigns and drive better results, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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