
An Estonian playhouse manufacturer aiming to boost sales and increase lead generation in the competitive markets of the USA and Canada. Over the years, various advertising campaigns were implemented on platforms like Google and Meta, including Black Friday, Spring Sale, Winter Sale etc..


  • Increase sales volume.
  • Boost lead generation to acquire more potential customers.
  • Optimize advertising expenditure while maximizing returns.
  • Enhance click-through rate (CTR) and reduce average cost per click (CPC).
  • Expand website traffic.



Utilized advertising platforms, particularly Google and Meta, to effectively target relevant audiences. Campaign timing was optimized to align with peak sales periods, such as Black Friday and seasonal sales events. Key elements of the strategy included:

  • Google Performance Max Campaigns: Leveraged Google’s Performance Max campaigns to optimize ad placements across various networks and channels, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.
  • Meta Advertising: Conducted various types of ads on Meta platforms, including video, banner, carousel, and catalog ads, which delivered excellent results. For example, with a budget of $400, we generated $10,000 in sales from the website.
  • Seasonal Campaigns: Tailored advertising efforts to specific sales events to capitalize on heightened consumer interest and purchasing intent.
  • Audience Segmentation: Implemented advanced audience segmentation techniques to target specific demographics and interests, enhancing ad relevance and effectiveness.
  • Ad Copy Optimization: Created compelling ad copy and creatives to capture audience attention and drive clicks, utilizing A/B testing to identify high-performing variations.
  • Awareness Campaigns on Meta: Ran awareness campaigns to improve reach and visibility, resulting in better brand recognition.
  • Continuous Optimization: Continuously monitored campaign performance metrics and adjusted strategies to maximize results and minimize wastage.



  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Decreased by 43.95%, indicating more efficient use of advertising spend to acquire customers.
  • Sales Growth: Increased by 25%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the campaigns in driving purchase conversions.
  • Lead Generation: Surged by 1500%, indicating a substantial increase in customer inquiries and potential prospects.
  • Advertising Expenditure: Reduced by 3%, despite achieving substantial growth in sales and lead generation, showcasing improved cost-effectiveness.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Improved by 63.6%, reflecting higher engagement levels and enhanced ad performance.
  • Average Cost Per Click (CPC): Decreased by 42.65%, indicating optimized bidding strategies and improved ad relevance.
  • Website Traffic: Experienced a significant surge of 170.73%, indicating increased brand visibility and consumer interest.



Through strategic utilization of Google and Meta advertising platforms and targeted campaign optimization, the client successfully achieved notable improvements in sales performance, lead generation, and advertising efficiency over the one-year period. The implemented strategies not only enhanced customer acquisition but also facilitated cost savings and improved overall brand visibility in the competitive markets of the USA and Canada. Moving forward, continued optimization and innovation will be crucial to sustaining and further augmenting these positive outcomes.

Project team: Herta Melts (project manager)


March 2023 – ongoing


Whole Wood Playhouses  I Estonian playhouse manufacturer