Branding & value proposition

“Less is more”. We believe in functional design and clear messages. 
We also believe that running clever ads is not enough. The most successful brands are those which relate to us, which help to build a community, bringing people together.
Branding is so much more than a logo and fonts. Branding is the strategic base to help customers understand how your business is special, and what your value proposition is, in both writing and visuals. It is the base for all marketing activities. It is the basis of the long- term prosperity of your brand.

You have the idea, that is new and fresh? We help to bring it alive. We design brand strategies, platforms, build identity systems and brand experiences. We define value propositions to clearly articulate the benefits a customer will receive by purchasing the brand. 

Our branding projects come in following steps:

  • Brand Identity (Logo, Color Palette, Typography, Tagline/Slogan)
  • Brand Voice and Tone
  • Brand Values and Mission
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Strategy incl Value Proposition Workshops

How do you know if you need to freshen up your branding?

  • Are your online sales growing?
  • Are potential customers interested, or irritated, by your ads? 
  • Are your customers loyal?
  • Will your website tell me your brand essence and value proposition in less than 15 seconds?

If you answered “no” to two or more questions, you should contact us.