Paid Advertising

Social media and Google paid ads are things that must be included in every company’s marketing mix. In our experience, it brings 25-50% of a company’s total turnover. We offer paid ads campaigns both for B2B and B2C markets covering all channels that offer advertising possibilities (Meta, TikTok, Linkedin etc).

Why to start thinking of Google and social media paid ads now?

Precise Targeting:

  • Reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Tailor ads to target audience segments.
  • Very effective AI-powered smart optimization.

Increased Reach:

  • Extend reach beyond organic followers.
  • Access to a larger and more diverse audience.

Quick Results:

  • Immediate visibility and engagement.
  • Faster ROI compared to organic strategies.
  • Track results in real time and adjust strategy in the process.

Budget Control:

  • Flexible budget options.
  • Set daily or total campaign spend limits.

Brand Awareness:

  • Rapidly increase brand visibility.
  • Consistent presence in users’ feeds.

Advanced Analytics:

  • Detailed performance insights.
  • Track and measure ad effectiveness.
  • Know exactly, who made the purchase from wich ad creative, when and what was the contents of the order.

Retargeting Opportunities:

  • Stay top of mind with cost effective targeting methods.
  • Re-engage users who have interacted with previous ads.
  • Increase conversion rates with targeted follow-up ads.

Improved Conversion Rates:

  • Higher likelihood of turning viewers into customers.
  • Optimized ad placements and calls-to-action.